IronFit's Marathons after 40: Smarter Training for the Ageless Athlete Paperback Review - A Complete Guide for Runners

Introducing IronFit's Marathons after 40: Smarter Training for the Ageless Athlete Paperback – March 1, 2017. This comprehensive guide is designed for individuals over 40 who are passionate about running marathons. With 46 customer reviews and an impressive average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars, this book has proven to be a valuable resource for ageless athletes. Packed with smarter training techniques, this paperback offers expert advice and strategies to help runners improve their performance and achieve their marathon goals. Whether you're a seasoned runner or just starting out, IronFit's Marathons after 40 is a must-have addition to your training library.

Product Description

IronFit's Marathons after 40: Smarter Training for the Ageless Athlete is a highly recommended book for anyone over the age of 40 who is looking to participate in marathons or long-distance running. Written by renowned fitness expert and marathon runner, Don Fink, this book offers valuable insights and training strategies specifically tailored for the ageless athlete.

One of the most important features of this book is its emphasis on smarter training methods. As we age, our bodies undergo various changes that can affect our performance and recovery. IronFit's Marathons after 40 addresses these challenges head-on, providing readers with the knowledge and tools to train effectively and minimize the risk of injury.

Don Fink's expertise shines through in the book's content, which covers a wide range of topics essential for the ageless athlete. From training plans and workouts to nutrition and injury prevention, Fink leaves no stone unturned. The book also delves into the psychological aspects of marathon running, providing valuable guidance on motivation and goal setting.

What sets this book apart is its practical approach. Fink understands that every individual is unique, and he offers customizable training plans to suit different fitness levels and goals. Whether you're a seasoned runner looking to improve your performance or a beginner aiming to complete your first marathon, IronFit's Marathons after 40 has something for everyone.

The book is also highly praised by customers, with an average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars from 46 reviews. Readers appreciate the clarity of the content and find the training plans easy to follow. Many reviewers have reported significant improvements in their marathon times and overall fitness after implementing the strategies outlined in the book.

In conclusion, IronFit's Marathons after 40: Smarter Training for the Ageless Athlete is a must-have resource for any runner over the age of 40. With its comprehensive approach, expert guidance, and positive customer reviews, this book is a valuable investment for those looking to excel in marathons and long-distance running.

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Pros and Cons


  1. Comprehensive Training Guide: IronFit's Marathons after 40 provides a wealth of information on training for marathon runners in their 40s and beyond. This book covers all the necessary aspects of preparing and running a marathon, making it a valuable resource for both novice and experienced runners. Whether you're aiming to improve your technique, wellness, or overall training skills, this book has got you covered.

  2. Easy to Understand: One of the standout features of this book is its readability. Customers have praised it for being easy to read, with just the right amount of information to get you started. The authors have done an excellent job of breaking down complex concepts into simple, understandable terms, making it accessible to runners of all levels.

  3. Positive Feedback from Readers: IronFit's Marathons after 40 has received overwhelmingly positive feedback from readers. Many users have expressed their satisfaction with the book, stating that it has helped them successfully complete their first marathons and improve their performance. With a rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars from 46 ratings, it is clear that this book has struck a chord with its readers.


  1. Limited Focus on Speed: Some readers have mentioned that the book does not provide extensive guidance for improving speed in marathon running. While it covers various aspects of training and technique, individuals looking to specifically enhance their speed may find the content lacking in this regard.

  2. May Not Be Suitable for Beginners: Although the book offers valuable insights for runners of all levels, it may not be the best choice for absolute beginners. Several reviewers mentioned that they had already completed several half marathons before reading this book, suggesting that it may be more suitable for individuals with prior running experience.

  3. Pricing: At a price of $17, some potential buyers may find the book slightly expensive compared to other marathon training resources available in the market. However, considering the comprehensive content and positive feedback, many readers deem it as a worthwhile investment.

Overall, IronFit's Marathons after 40 is a highly recommended resource for marathon runners in their 40s and beyond. It offers a comprehensive training guide, is easy to understand, and has received positive feedback from readers. While it may not focus extensively on improving speed and may not be suitable for absolute beginners, the book provides valuable insights for athletes looking to enhance their marathon running skills. Though it may be slightly pricey, the positive feedback and comprehensive content make it a worthwhile investment.

Customer Reviews

The IronFit's Marathons after 40 book has received positive feedback from customers, with an average rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars based on 46 ratings. Let's take a closer look at what customers have to say about this book:

  • "Great little book! Really easy to read. Just the right amount of information on everything you need to get going. I read it in two days and that Inclu..." (5 stars)

  • "Like their other books, this one didn't fail to cover all the necessary information for preparing and running a great marathon race. The book and t..." (5 stars)

  • "Amazing book for improving your training skills for technique and good wellness!" (5 stars)

  • "I just turned 40. I have run four half marathons and want to do my first full this year. I'm not a novice, but I'm also not fast - my PR half is 2:26...." (3 stars)

  • "Very good, interesting concepts." (4 stars)

  • "Loved it!" (5 stars)

  • "Got me through my first Marathon aged in late 50’s - Having never run more than 10k I used the guidance and training plans in this book to run the virtual London Marathon aged 55. I loved that the traini..." (5 stars)

  • "For a serious 40+ athletes. It contains information for 40+ athletes who want to develop their skills, especially for competing in triathlons." (5 stars)

  • "Superb - My husband is a big fan of Don Fink's book and followed his ironman book to the letter when he did the castle series event. He placed very well consid..." (5 stars)

  • "Great read. Very inspiring" (5 stars)

Overall, customers appreciate the ease of reading and the valuable information provided in IronFit's Marathons after 40 book. It covers all the necessary details for preparing and running a marathon, making it suitable for both novice and experienced runners. The book also offers insights into improving training techniques and overall wellness. However, one customer mentioned that the book may not be as helpful for experienced runners who are looking for more advanced training strategies. Nonetheless, the majority of customers found the concepts in the book interesting and inspiring, making it a worthwhile read for anyone looking to improve their marathon training skills, especially those in their 40s and beyond.


IronFit's Marathons after 40: Smarter Training for the Ageless Athlete is a highly recommended resource for runners over the age of 40 who are looking to improve their marathon training and performance.

The book offers a wealth of information and covers all the necessary aspects of preparing and running a great marathon race. It provides valuable insights into technique, training plans, and wellness strategies, which can be beneficial for athletes of all levels.

The positive feedback from buyers further highlights the effectiveness of this book. Many readers have found it to be an easy and enjoyable read, with just the right amount of information to get started. The book's concepts are interesting and inspiring, making it suitable for both novices and experienced runners.

While there were a few mixed reviews, the majority of buyers have praised the book for its comprehensive content and its ability to guide them through their marathon training journey.

In conclusion, IronFit's Marathons after 40 is a superb resource for serious athletes over 40 who are looking to improve their training skills and technique. With its informative content and positive feedback from buyers, this book is highly recommended for anyone looking to excel in their marathon races.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is this book suitable for beginners or only for experienced runners?

IronFit's Marathons after 40 is a comprehensive guide that caters to both beginners and experienced runners. While the book is specifically designed for athletes aged 40 and above, it can be beneficial for runners of all levels. The authors provide valuable insights and training techniques that can be applied by those who are just starting their running journey as well as those who have been running for years.

2. Does this book focus only on marathon training or does it cover other types of races as well?

While the primary focus of this book is marathon training, it also covers a wide range of topics related to running and racing. The authors provide guidance on technique, wellness, and training plans that can be applied not only to marathons but also to other types of races, such as half-marathons and triathlons. Whether you're aiming to complete your first full marathon or looking to improve your performance in other races, this book offers valuable insights and strategies.

3. Will this book help me improve my running performance even if I'm not in my 40s?

Absolutely! Although the title suggests that the book is for athletes over 40, the training principles and techniques discussed in IronFit's Marathons after 40 can benefit runners of any age. The authors emphasize the importance of smart training, proper technique, and overall wellness, which are essential for athletes looking to improve their performance regardless of their age. Whether you're in your 20s, 30s, 40s, or beyond, this book offers valuable information and strategies to help you reach your running goals.

4. How does this book differ from other marathon training guides on the market?

IronFit's Marathons after 40 stands out from other marathon training guides due to its focus on the specific needs and challenges faced by athletes over 40. The authors, Don Fink and Melanie Fink, draw from their extensive experience and expertise to provide tailored insights and strategies for older athletes. This book takes into account the physiological changes that occur as we age and offers practical advice on training, recovery, and injury prevention. It also addresses the unique goals and aspirations of athletes in their 40s and beyond, making it a valuable resource for those looking to excel in their running journey.

5. Can I expect to see improvements in my running performance by following the advice in this book?

Yes, following the advice and training plans outlined in IronFit's Marathons after 40 can lead to significant improvements in your running performance. The authors' approach emphasizes the importance of smart training, proper technique, and overall wellness, which are all key factors in achieving optimal performance. By implementing the strategies and principles discussed in the book, you can expect to see improvements in your endurance, speed, and overall race performance. It's important to note that individual results may vary, and consistency and dedication to the training plans are crucial for achieving the desired outcomes.

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